June 19, 2018 A Tree for Me Lavender, Seedling, Seedling-Lavender After reading A Tree for Me, students looked for a special tree branch on our property, and brought it back so they could paint it!
June 12, 2018 Watermelon finger-painting Arts and Crafts, Day-to-day, Lavender, Photos by Candace, Preschool, Seedling-Lavender After reading a book about watermelons, Seedling-Lavender students paint their own watermelons!
May 24, 2018 Astra News, coming at you live! Arts and Crafts, Day-to-day, Kindergarten, Maple, Maple-Sunflower, Preschool, Sunflower Maple-Sunflower students learn about newscasting in the week’s pretend play “Astra News” station!
May 21, 2018 Rhonda’s monstrous snack! Arts and Crafts, Lavender, Maple, Maple-Sunflower, Photos by Scott, Pre-K, Preschool, Seedling, Seedling-Lavender, snack, Sunflower Rhonda presented students with a scary snack that they assembled from green apples, strawberry slices, sunflower seeds, and sunflower butter!
May 18, 2018 “Taking care of our world” art project Arts and Crafts, Day-to-day, Lavender, Photos by, Photos by Alexa, Preschool, Seedling, Seedling-Lavender An early March, 2018 theme week was “Taking care of our world.” In this picture, students give trash new life with a mural made from our recycling bins.
May 17, 2018 Celebrating Dr. Seuss Arts and Crafts, Day-to-day, Lavender, Photos by, Photos by Alexa, Preschool, Seedling, Seedling-Lavender Celebrating Dr. Seuss’s birthday on March 2nd, Emily helps Seedling-Lavender students paint their own Dr. Seuss paintings.
May 15, 2018 Beading caterpillars for spring Arts and Crafts, Day-to-day, Lavender, Preschool, Seedling, Seedling-Lavender Alexa helps Seedling-Lavender students bead caterpillars in the art room after learning and reading about them!
May 14, 2018 Painting with wind Arts and Crafts, Maple, Maple-Sunflower, Photos by, Photos by Alexa, Pre-K, Preschool, Sunflower After learning about spring winds, Candace helps her students “paint with wind” using straws and their own breath.